Leather Seat Bolster Restoration

Leather continues to age indefinitely, even when living within a controlled environment. While the aging of paint, plastics, glass, even carpet can be prevented, leather cannot and needs to be regularly maintained and managed. Lack of maintenance leads to dry, brittle, cracked, and delicate leather. Leather in this condition is far more susceptible to defects and damage like losing its color, tears, flaking, scratching, etc.

Additionally, other self-inflicted damages can occur like punctures, scratches, wear, and burns.

Think of leather like our skin - If we were to stop drinking water, stop eating, not wear sunscreen, not shower, our skin would become very dry, brittle, fragile, discolored, and easy to injure. The same applies to leather. Afterall, it is cowhide.

The good news is - Leather can be fixed. It is very resilient, and with the right products and processes can be brought back to it’s former glory. Even better, when performed correctly, the repair will last as long as it took to originally damage the leather. This isn’t a DIY quick fix - It’s true professional restoration.

Services we perform:

  • Recoloring

  • Color change

  • Burn/tear/scratch/hole repair

  • Moisturization

  • Protection

Onyx is a Colourlock-certified leather repair facility.